... f8WvbcEF4cCDC Chief Agrees There’s ‘Perverse’ Economic ‘Incentive’ for Hospitals to Inflate Coronavirus Deaths
CDC: n päällikkö on samaa mieltä siitä, että sairaaloilla on "perverssi" taloudellinen kannustin koronaviruskuolemien täyttämiseksi
Center for disease control and prevention = CDC
Vastaa Suomen THL:ää
As of mid-day Friday, COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) had infected nearly 4.5 million people and killed over 150,000, the Johns Hopkins University tracker revealed.
Nyt ei kyllä pidä paikkaansa John Hopkinsin tilastot
Vaikka infektoituneita olisi ollut peräti 4,5 miljoonaa henkilöä ei siitä millään saa 150 000 kuollutta.
Kun kuolleita on virologi Milovitsin mukaan tyypillisesti 0,1 - 0,3 % infektoituneista ja PCR-testin keksijän Kary Mullisin mukaan testi ei sovi infektioiden havannoimiseen. Miten infektoituneet on todennettu, millaisella testillä?
Hopkinsin ilmoittamat 150 000 kuollutta antaa suhdeluvuksi 3,33 % eli se on yli kymmenen kertaa enemmän kuin Mikovitsin ja Dr.Buttarin (0.26 %) ilmoittama tarkka lukema Usassa joka antaisi kuolleiden määräksi 11 700 henkilöä ei siis 150 000.
Pitää muistaa että sairaaloille on maksettu 10 000 - 30 000 $ kun ovat kirjanneet potilaan koronaan sairastuneeksi. ... ll-humans/PCR-tests show positive because they respond to genetic material present in all humans
New evidence shows that the controversial PCR test that tests for genetic material instead of the virus itself, is testing for a genetic sequence that is naturally found in humans. The sequence “CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT” is an 18-character primer sequence found in the WHO coronavirus PCR testing protocol document. The primer sequences are the items that are amplified by the PCR process in order to designate a “positive” test result. The exact same 18-character sequence, in the same order, is also found on Homo sapiens chromosome 8! Chromosome 8 governs our intelligence and our immune system, especially resistance to cancer. This, alone, explains why there are so many false positive results.
Dr. Kaufman says no one has ever purified the virus, therefore, it cannot be proven that it is a new, never-been-seen before virus that is causing illness. He estimates a 100% error rate in this test. He says the media switched reporting from the number of deaths to the number of cases so lockdowns, masks, and other tyrannical polices may remain in place. So-called cases are easily supported by fraudulent tests. These tests are combined with counting people who test positive for COVID-19 when they die and adding them to those who die from COVID-19, no matter what the real cause of death may be. In this way, the mortality rate is totally fictional. Dr. Kaufman says there are zero cases of anyone becoming ill when exposed to asymptomatic people. He says the HIV antibody test is very similar to the COVID-19 antibody test and there are 60 health conditions that will create a false positive test result for HIV. -GEG